“Escucha la mar”. Habanera. New release.
Available in 3 choral formats:
SATB Choir
SSAA Choir
TTBB Choir

Choral Workshop on Female Choirs scores with its composer as Guest Conductor
Whole female choirs, with good vocal technique training, choral conductors, members of middle-high or high-level choirs.
This workshop covers original compositions or arrangements for female choir, given by the composer/arranger, with an emphasis on interpretation.
An optional concert is proposed as the final activity, open to the public, where the workshop participants sing the selected pieces conducted by the composer.

Choral Workshop on Mixed Choirs scores with its composer as Guest Conductor
Aimed at:
Whole mixed choirs, with good vocal technique, choral conductors, members of mid-high or high-level choirs.
This workshop covers original compositions and arrangements for mixed choirs, given by the composer/arranger, with an emphasis on interpretation.
An optional concert is proposed as the final activity, open to the public, where the workshop participants sing the selected pieces conducted by the composer.

Seminar-Workshop: “Techniques and tools for composition and arranging scores for Children ́s and Youth choirs”
Aimed at:
arrangers, choral conductors, students and music teachers, musicians in general.
This course offers the participants technical tools for the composition and arranging of music for children’s and youth choirs.
These tools allow them to write and select an adequate repertoire for ensembles and reflect critically about the implications for conducting and interpreting the music.

Choral Workshop on Argentinian Popular Music
Aimed at:
choirs, singers, arrangers, choral conductors, students and music teachers.
This workshop covers Argentinian popular pieces written for mixed/ equal voice choirs, given by the composer/arranger, with an emphasis on interpretation.
An optional concert is proposed as the final activity, open to the public, where the workshop participants sing the selected pieces conducted by the composer.

Seminar: “Choral Argentina. A tour of its popular music.”
Aimed at:
arrangers, choral conductors, students and music teachers, musicians in general.
This seminar introduces the participants to the diversity of rhythms in Argentinian popular music, in a choral format, analysing a group of pieces taken as case studies both in their compositional and interpretative aspects.

Course-Workshop “Amateur choirs and their repertoire. Choosing, writing and conducting”
Aimed at:
arrangers, choral conductors, students and music teachers, musicians in general.
This course offers the participants technical tools for the composition and arranging of music for amateur choirs of any age, especially those made up of people without any experience reading music.

Los autores del libro UN VIAJE CORAL junto a especialistas de diversas áreas relacionadas a la actividad coral infantil, proponen una mirada integral que abarca dinámicas de ensayo, selección y armado de repertorio adecuado al desarrollo del unísono a la polifonía, la psicología infantil y características vocales de las infancias.
Destinado a directores de coro, docentes de música, músicos y estudiantes de carreras musicales.
Certificado otorgado por la Asociación Kodály Argentina
Juan Augusto Laplacette
Psicólogo y autor integral
Fernando Lazari
Cantante lírico y profesor de canto
Mariana Pechuan
Especialista en Pedagogía Kodály, pianista y docente
Bernardo Latini
Compositor, arreglador, director de coros y docente
Jorge Fuentes
Magister en Pedagogía Kodály y director de coros
Seis encuentros-taller sincrónicos, modalidad online
1° Taller “Psicología del Desarrollo de las Infancias” – A cargo de Juan Augusto Laplacette
2° Taller “Técnica de canto aplicada en coros infantiles” – A cargo de Fernando Lazari
3° Taller “La riqueza del canto en conjunto. Principios pedagógicos de la Concepción Kodály” – A cargo de Mariana Pechuan
4° Taller “Del unísono al canto a voces” – A cargo de Jorge Fuentes
5° Taller “Arreglos corales. Concibiendo repertorio para mi coro” – A cargo de Bernardo Latini
6° Taller “Un viaje coral. Reflexión final” – A cargo de Mariana Pechuan y Jorge Fuentes
Cronograma, propuesta académica e inscripciones:

Open Singing at Fòrum de Direcció Coral – Barcelona
Organized by Federació Catalana d’Entitats Corals, the Fòrum de Direcció Coral will meet Choir conductors from all the Catalonian territory at the Seminari Salesià Martí Codolar, Barcelona.
The following activities will take place:
Publishing houses news. New musical releases.
Madrigal Workshop. Renaissance composers, by Jordi Casas
Round table. “Present and future of choral conducting”
The day will conclude with a session of Open Singing by Bernardo Latini